xoe villa

xoe villa

Saturday, September 27, 2014

late night walks

last night xanthe and i went on a much needed walk. thoughts have been running thru my mind lately and they have been affecting me majorly. yesterday was such an off day despite my atrocious (i think thats how its spelled) volleyball playing, and unnecessary amount of homework. yesterday consisted of frustration, feeling of wanting to punch someone, (& maybe a few tears). although i was having a rough time, i just have to look past what happened yesterday and leanr from my mistakes. i can't turn back time and redo it. its done. so im going to look at my horrible volleyball game as a learning opportunity and not dwell too much over it. (haha i'm making it sound like such a life changer.)

1 comment:

  1. nothing beats a walk with a friend!
    sorry your game didn't go as well as you wanted. i
    hope the next one is better!
    beautiful pictures by the way :)
